niedziela, 24 kwietnia 2011

Playlista - 24.04.2011

1. The Stooges - Search and Destroy
2. The Vandelles - Get Around
3. Foo Fighters - Arlandria
4. Husky Rescue - Fast Lane
5. Tune-Yards - Gangsta
6. Plum - Retarded Queen
7. Unwound - Below the Salt
8. Turnip Farm - Dazzling Reasons
9. Projekt Warszawiak - Nie masz cwaniaka nad Warszawiaka
10. Projekt Warszawiak - Do Stolicy
11. Yussuf Jerusalem - Death of Cleninus / Evil Rise
12. Yussuf Jerusalem - Path of Palladin
13. TV on the Radio - Red Dress
14. Hugo - Bread and Butter (do pobrania za darmo)
15. Diox/The Returners - Muzyka podwórkowa
16. Hunx & his Punx - Too Young to be in Love

niedziela, 17 kwietnia 2011

Playlista - 17.04.2011

1. Graveyard - Ain't Fit to Live Here
2. The Twilight Singers - On the Corner
3. The Sandwitches - Black Rider
4. TV on the Radio - Keep Your Heart
5. Die! Die! Die! - Ashtray! Ashtray!
6. Die! Die! Die! - We Built Our Own Oppresors
7. No Age - Valley Hump Crash
8. Tin Pan Alley - The Morning Fall
9. The Deer Tracks - RAM RAM
10. The Weeknd - House Balloons - Glass Table Girls (za frajer!)
11. Weekend - Age Class
12. Ten Typ Mes - Otwarcie
13. Diox - To jest Diox
14. The Silents - Nightcrawl
15. Sarabeth Tucek - The Fireman

poniedziałek, 11 kwietnia 2011

Playlista - 10.04.2011

1. Kristen - Night Store (trzy płyty za darmo)
2. Lamps - Now That I'm Dead
3. The Dillinger Escape Plan - Fight the Power (niestety tego już nie można ściągnąć za free)
4. Cancer Bats - Sabotage
5. Vera Cruz - Liar, Liar
6. Slip - Paralyzed
7. Slip - Blinding
8. The Flaming Lips & Neon Indian - Is David Bowie Dying?
9. Jamie Woon - Lady Luck
10. Sun for Miles - Barb of Sorrow
11. Foo Fighters - White Limo
12. The Twilight Singers - Papillon
13. Katy B - Katy on a Mission
14. White Mistery - Switch it Off
15. No Age - Skinned
16. Belong - Come See
17. Royal Baths - After Death

niedziela, 3 kwietnia 2011

Playlista - 3.04.2011


1. And So I Watch You From Afar - Search Party Animal
2. Deus - The Architect
3. Does it Offend You, Yeah? - Wrestler
4. Emeralds - Candy Shoppe
5. Burial - Stolen Dog
6. Voice of Seven Thunders - Kommune
7. Pablopavo & Ludziki - Ballada o Okrzei
8. Elvis Deluxe - To Tell You
9. The Psychic Paramount - DDB
10. Baby Erection - Twenny-Six
11. CunninLynguists - Phantasmata
12. Selah Sue - Please
13. Moon Duo - In the Sun
14. Demon's Claws - Laser Beams
15. The Pains of Being Pure at Heart - Belong
16. The Humms - Don't Think About Death
17. Pablopavo & Ludziki - Oddajcie kino Moskwa