1. Still Nasty - Harder
2. Arms and Sleepers - Kepesh
3. Happy Birthday - Girls FM
4. Kurt Vile - Society is My Friend
5. Setting the Woods on Fire - We're Falling
6. Sex Beet - Scarecrow
7. Truckfighters - Majestic
8. Touchy Mob -
Ling Ling (4 płyty za darmo)
9. Botulinus Toxic -
Stoner Lungs (EPka za free)
10. The Kurws - Ani lepiej ani gorzej
11. Firestone - Nigel Mansel
12. Stateless - Assassinations
13. Turbowolf - The Big Cut
14. Bass Drum of Death - Heart Attack Kid
15. The Kurws - Ciasne Taxi
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